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What is DriverTalk?
DriverTalk is an online community forum for drivers to discuss driver contract jobs, insurance, how to get grow your business, best delivery vehicles, and other topics for drivers with their own driving business. DriverTalk is sponsored by CBDriver.com. DriverTalk is NOT for advertisers or for posting driver jobs or driving opportunities. Recruiters may post a Driver Ad on DriverTalk's affiliated job site - CBDriver.com.
DriverTalk is not to post your availability
- Go To CBDriver.com and register for free. Search for driving opportunities and advertise your availability by posting a Driver Available Ad.
Why Join DriverTalk?
Sign up and create a username (email address and password) to be part of the DriverTalk community. Once you have signed up, you can post new discussions and questions and reply to postings with your own comments. If you are already a member of CBDriver, please click Join to sign up for the DriverTalk community forum. You need to create a separate username and password for DriverTalk.
DriverTalk is a community forum for individuals who are drivers and individuals who are interested in driving for income - to post questions and share ideas and information. It is not for offensive comments in any way that implicitly endorses, or promotes racism, bigotry, discrimination, hatred, or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual. Spam is not permitted.
It is NOT for advertisers. It is not for job postings.
Do not post job opportunities on this Forum. This is for discussions and questions about delivery driving. Do not post discussions that include the names of people or companies. We will not publish any posting if it includes the name of a person or company. By joining DriverTalk, you agree to its Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. DriverTalk reserves the irrevocable right to remove any user or posting that it deems offensive or harmful to its community.
What is CBDriver?
CBDriver is a free online job site focusing exclusively on Driver Contract Jobs. Drivers looking for new driving opportunities can search and find driver contract jobs posted by companies looking for independent contractor drivers. 1) Search for driver job contracts and respond online. 2) Market your business by posting a driver-available ad so companies searching the driver profile database can find your profile and contact you directly. Sign up with on CBDriver.com for free and receive email alerts when new driving opportunities are posted in your area. Go to CBDriver.com to find driver contracts near you.