Good morning from Rockford IL!
Your question seems sincere enough, but I have to ask you if you've done enough research to even be on this site in the first place? With all due respects the very basic question that you ask is answered in almost every site you sign up with. You can literally use almost any cargo van, if the job you're applying for needs a cargo van! I do not say this to be cruel or to be unkind or in any way diminish your question, but by definition your cargo van would work for a cargo business. Granted him at best, you'll only be able to carry perhaps two pallets at a time depending on the amount of room in the back of your van, but it is a good place to start!
We were all new somewhere once, and no question is ever too stupid to ask, but are you looking for someone to hold your hand do all the research for you? Or are you willing to do the due diligence rather the required investigation, into the job? If you Google the question, "where can i find cargo van delivery jobs", you will get a plethora of answers and leads and boards to investigate into..... I hope in some small way this helps you in your search, and wish you the very best in your business venture!