If I contract with cb driver for courier jobs, am I allowed to rent vehicles from van or truck rental companies to complete the job?
Absolutely. You can rent or lease any vehicle type you wish to use for delivery work. Check to make sure you have correct insurance coverage for any vehicle you rent or lease. Insurance from rental agencies can be very high, so check around for less expensive options. Just make sure to add up the daily cost for renting plus fuel and insurance to know the cost you are paying to use that car everyday. Most courier companies are adding on extra fuel surcharge payments to courier drivers to help cover the high fuel prices being experienced right now.
Also. You are not contracting with CBDriver when you respond to a driver contract ad on CBDriver.
CBDriver is a driver contract job site featuring ads posted by hundreds of different courier companies and other companies like florists that post driver contact ads when they need independent contractor drivers on a regular basis to handle their deliveries.
When you respond to a driver contract job ad on CBDriver, the company that posted that ad will be the one contacting you to discuss the details of the driving opportunity they are looking to get covered.